Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurveda is recognised by the World Health Organisation as being one of the oldest forms of natural health care in the world. The term “Ayurveda” combines the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). The system of Ayurveda originated in India more than 6,000 years ago and is often called the "Mother of All Healing." It stems from the ancient Vedic culture and was taught for many thousands of years in an oral tradition from accomplished masters to their disciples.  

The Key concepts of the Ayurvedic approach to human health and wellness include understanding the universal interconnectedness of life forces as well as the elemental influences in each of the daily, seasonal and life cycles. These forces, influences and cycles affect our balance and wellbeing on a mental, physical and emotional level. Using this understanding, Ayurvedic practitioners prescribe individualized treatments to bring these energies into harmony. Approaches can include herbals, dietary guidelines, exercise and physical approaches, techniques for emotional and mental restoration and balance, cleanses and detoxification on all levels, as well as lifestyle and seasonal recommendations. 

The concept of the five Elements, their corresponding qualities and the senses that arise from them, gives us a framework for understanding how the forces of nature operate in our Universe as well as within our human experience. Every aspect of our mental, emotional, and physical being can be attributed to the elements. These fundamental principles are the underlying intelligence that are the building blocks of nature and are responsible for all physical existence. The coordinated interactions of these Elements control all the functions in creation including us and our environment. 

Perfect health is our natural state - Perfect physical, mental and emotional wellbeing - Such a state is not only desirable, but also achievable.  

Ian Hayward

Ian has a background in Vedic Mantra Meditation and is a highly experienced Panchakarma therapist and wellness consultant, offering an extensive range of bodywork and wellness/lifestyle approaches, including pulse reading. He spent his first two years in clinical practice applying these techniques under the supervision of medical doctors at a clinic in central London. Here he attended to mainly very sick people and, although he saw amazing results, he realised that his passion is in prevention rather than cure. He deeply desired to make Vedic knowledge more accessible and adapted and developed practical ways of applying it to suit the everyday lives of people living in a modern western society. With the financial support of client/investors, he developed the first fully residential Ayurvedic centre in the UK. He also worked for many high-profile clients and trained practitioners in spas and wellness/meditation centers at home and abroad, taking the Vedic knowledge to a wider audience. He lived in Canada for 20 years working with the design and delivery of aftercare programmes at Indigenous addiction treatment centers to prepare clients to make the adjustments to sustain an addiction-free lifestyle. These programmes contained many of the Vedic techniques and approaches and proved a great success. He also helped to set up a Vedic bodywork centre and had his own private practice and delivered workshops and retreats. Ian returned to the UK in 2022 and has landed at Marcassie where he is training staff to deliver the Vedic bodyworks. He is offering Elemental Ayurvedic Pulse Reading consultations and passing on his extensive Vedic knowledge through workshops and experiential weekend and weeklong retreats.

  • “Ian is an excellent Ayurvedic expert. My journey with him began during a sensitive time in my life when I was going through a personal crisis and struggling with self-love and happiness. Little did I know that his pulse reading would become a crucial moment for me as it offered me profound insights into this method of understanding physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. He helped me understand the root cause of my digestive problems and guided me toward a diet that suited my body type. However, what sets Ian apart is his talent for giving you a complete picture of yourself. We only had known each other for a few days, but after the reading, he identified my weaknesses and strengths with astonishing clarity. This aspect was a turning point in my life, helping me take the first steps toward a more emotionally balanced and harmonious life. Ian's genuine desire to help others is truly commendable. I can't thank him enough for the profound impact he has had on my life, and I wholeheartedly recommend his services and his centre to anyone seeking a transformative experience.”

    Lucia Monda, New York University School of Law

Elemental Ayurvedic Pulse Reading 

Nadi Vigyan is the ancient Ayurvedic art of pulse reading. By placing three fingers on the radial artery on the wrist, an Ayurvedic practitioner can accurately determine your exact elemental make up (Dosha). Each element has its unique mental, physical and emotional characteristics, this will then explain the forces and energies that make you who you are. This approach looks at you as a whole being, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Balances and imbalances can be determined by pulse reading, enabling the practitioner to make practical recommendations to bring harmony to these areas. Subtle energies can also be determined, such as the level of Ojas (bliss) in the body as well the state of experience of the mind and emotions. 

I have been practicing pulse reading for over 30 years and have read many thousands of pulses. I have been amazed at the effect and empowerment that people have had when their elemental Prakriti (elemental make up or Dosha) has been revealed and their Vikriti (imbalances) explained. If you have ever tried an online Ayurvedic questionnaire you will have arrived at your Vikriti NOT your Prakriti, and this causes most people to misdiagnose their elemental / Doshic makeup. Only by pulse reading can you be certain that you are being given the correct Prakriti, and therefore take the correct steps to create and maintain balance in your life.  

For a full examination of your elemental make up, I offer an initial consultation ofx 90 minutes. In this time, I will be able to help and assist you in understanding your exact elemental Doshic make up, a complete view of who and what you are. After the consultation you will receive recommendations, techniques, and approaches for each aspect of your life to bring balance and harmony to these areas. 

Please note:  What I offer is not a medical, clinical approach, I do not diagnose illness. However, bringing balance to your underlying Prakriti often relieves symptoms and corrects imbalances that can avoid the need for medical intervention. Prevention rather than cure is a saying that I believe in and live by. 

For Ayurveda Experience Weekends (Residential & Non-Residential)

Ayurveda Experience Weeks (Residential) and Workshops with Ian Hayward

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